Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Part Two (the dialogue with Vanity press representative continues)

This is a continuation of yesterday's post: "Aesthetic Offers You Can't Refuse (Or how to respond to a vanity 'juried' art press offer)" Amazingly, first thing this morning the highly esteemed Ms. Judy Adams, assistant curator at World Wide Art Books, responded to the email offer that I sent in response to the offer I received from her. I then responded to her again. For convenience, and for those who missed the first bits of the dialogue, I am posting the entire email exchange from the beginning. Enjoy!

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 06:39 PM
Subject: Invitation to appear in International Contemporary Masters volume 5

Dear Lorrie Anne,

I visited your portfolio at and I liked your work. You are therefore pre-selected to submit art for inclusion in Volume V of "International Contemporary Masters?, a leading juried annual art publication presenting the most important artists from all over the world!

Please note that this is not a free inclusion. If you are interested I will send you more information or you can visit the link: get an idea of the quality of our publications you can view our previous book at the link above.
Best regards
Judy Adams - Assistant Curator

World Wide Art Books
5383 Hollister Ave, # 260
93111 Santa Barbara CA
Tel / fax +1 805 683 3899  


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: Invitation to appear in International Contemporary Masters volume 5

Dear Judy,

I just looked at the website and was so impressed with the publication that you represent. All publications that have the privilege of selecting me for reproduction are subjected to a rigorous jury process. I am delighted to inform you that you have been pre-selected to submit your proposal to include my work in your publication.

Please note: if you choose to include any of my images in your publication, that reproduction of them is most certainly NOT free. If you pass the jury process and I decide that you may indeed include my images in your stellar publication, you will be allowed to do so at the cost of $2000 for each artwork image that you choose to publish.

Thank you so much; I hope you will find this offer to be of interest to you. I know you recognize how important reproducing such work is to your success as a serious international arts publication. Do not miss this opportunity.

Lori Anne

Lori Anne Parker, Ph.D.

[And amazingly she responds … in a matter of hours. Apparently she has a jury that works overnight or wakes at the crack of dawn and on this fine May morning had nothing else to do!]

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: Invitation to appear in International Contemporary Masters volume 5

Hi Lori Anne, 
Thanks a lot for your offer. We do have publications where we pay the artists for their images and also they get a commission on books sales.
Our jury visited your link but they did not approve you to be included as your works do not meet up with their standards.
We wish you the best of luck with your endeavors!

Judy Adams - Assistant Curator

World Wide Art Books
5383 Hollister Ave, # 260
93111 Santa Barbara CA
Tel / fax +1 805 683 3899

[And then I let her know how impressed I was with the speed of her jury and their decision as well as my final decision about my offer to allow her to publish my artwork.]

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: Invitation to appear in International Contemporary Masters volume 5

Dear Judy,

Thank you so much for your reply. What an amazing jury you have: the fact they were able and willing look at my website so quickly is incredible. Talk about hard work. And first thing in the morning too! I do hope you will reward them with donuts, bagels, fruit, and some coffee, or other such delectable treat, for being willing to attend to this issue with such haste. How proud you must be of them! I am writing this morning to inform you that my jury worked just as quickly (I myself will be rewarding my own jury with a complimentary brunch at a seaside resort) and after looking at your website and some of your publications, which we ran out to the library and several local bookstores to procure then peruse, have decided that your publication did not meet our standards and that we would not be accepting any payment from you to publish images of my work. So we are in mutual agreement on our potential contracts with each other.

But as you are so well respected in the art community I know such rejections will not deter you from continued aesthetic fleecing. I too am certain of my fabulousness and will not be deterred either and will continue to dangle my images in front of the faces of art publishers who will be only too lucky if I allow them to pay me to use them. I do hope you will continue offering artists the opportunity to pay to have their images published. You are a beacon of light and hope to the art world. Again, you should be so proud. Infinitely proud. Not just of your staff, but of the stellar services you offer to contemporary visual artists. Venice Biennale be damned: International Contemporary Masters is in town!

Best of luck on all your endeavors!
Lori Anne
Lori Anne Parker, Ph.D. 

So, all you fellow artists out there. NOW you know the publication that you must strive for. The one that will be life changing, the one that will finally get you to the place you have always aspired to!


  1. Lori - I really enjoyed reading this and getting a good laugh! I will have to use this same idea sometime! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is hilarious. Nothing better than scamming a scammer.

  3. Lori Anne, I knew I loved you for some reason. Your sarcastic wit steals my heart as always! Well I truly hope that Ms. Adams does not decide to end her life as a result of the crushing rejection you have sent her. I hope that she is able to gather the strength to go on living and fleecing all of those gullible people out there just waiting to pay to have somebody put there art in a book for all to see...
